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Addon Text Detect icon.

Text Detect

Stack from 1LD

Text Detect screenshot 1
Text Detect screenshot 2
Text Detect screenshot 3
Thumbnail of Text Detect slide 1Thumbnail of Text Detect slide 2Thumbnail of Text Detect slide 3

Conditional Content, Pop-ups, & Notices Based on Text/Input.

Text Detect is a stack that can provide targeted information to specific page visitors based on the words or phrases they type into fields. This gets relevant information to the right users without relying on general content. You can also provide targeted information for sales, support, or even provide additional fields or links to select users.

Ipnut Support Features:

  • Phrases
  • Case sensitive
  • Call to action
  • Multiple pop-ups
  • Lightbox display
  • Fixed top/bottom and inline display


We won’t leave you hanging! As with any purchase from 1LD, you will have access to our top-notch tech support to help you with any issues you face. Whether it be that 3rd-party addon/stack that refuses to play nice or just some web design advice, our team is there for you.


  • v1.0.0
  • January 3rd 2019
