Change your static images & content into engaging & interactive books.
Pagelit 2 is a stack that can turn photos and other stacks content into animated books. This allows page visitors to view images and explore content while simulating the experience of turning the pages of a real book. Books can be created simply by dragging and dropping images into this stack.
Display your books inline and inside other stacks content or use popup mode to fill the entire screen. The book can automatically position and scale to utilize maximum available screen space, improving readability.
An optional 3d depth effect is applied the sides of the book providing an active visualization of where a reader is within the pages of the book. The perspective can be adjusted to increase or decrease the perceived thickness of the pages.
Add navigation controls and chapter select navigation to improve usability and to help guide your readers through your content. You can even create external links that open specific pages.
Already have a list of hosted images you want to use? Just add the list of urls to the stack and a book will be formed from those warehoused images. You're also not limited to just images, you can also include text or even other stacks as the content of each page!
We won’t leave you hanging! As with any purchase from 1LD, you will have access to our top-notch tech support to help you with any issues you face. Whether it be that 3rd-party addon/stack that refuses to play nice or just some web design advice, our team is there for you.