Project from WeaverPixel

SnaXtruck is a single page food truck template for Rapidweaver Elements. It is as Rapidweaver Elements in Beta (currently 0.51) and does not have all the planned features included. It will grow as Rapidweaver Elements Beta will improve. However, as long as it is in Beta, you can download it and use it free of charge. Currently, some Elements features like Dark Mode and Various Templates are not supported (but planned).
Need something for a Food truck fully focused on customer needs?
Then SnaXtruck is the right solution for you. It offers a very stylish single page website focusing on what people will expect when they open a food truck website. The food is on top, then how to find you and how to order. Optimised for mobile phones, as most people will look at the pages from their phone.
Homepage design with a stylish anchor navigation
The layout is divided into segments, where for every segment you have several alternative designs available (currently not in the beta)
Adopting the layout to your needs and liking is pretty easy
Fully responsive - works great on mobile devices
No unnecessary external calls
Thus, fully GDPR & DSVGO compliant