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Plan screenshot 1
Plan screenshot 2
Plan screenshot 3
Plan screenshot 4
Plan screenshot 5
Plan screenshot 6
Thumbnail of Plan slide 1Thumbnail of Plan slide 2Thumbnail of Plan slide 3Thumbnail of Plan slide 4Thumbnail of Plan slide 5Thumbnail of Plan slide 6

Plan is a Premium Responsive Theme that has unique layout and clean design

Original style

Back to purity, back to simplicity! In Plan-theme the good design is as little design as possible. Less, but better because it concentrates on the essential aspect, and the product in your site are not burdened with non-essentials.

Plan is perfect for those who work with the text. Vertical navigation and a fluid layout are its best features.

Plan is GDPR Compliant:

No calls to any third-party hosted libraries, such as JQuery or Google Fonts.

RapidWeaver Classic features

  • "Sliders" for font size
  • "Banner image", just drag your image!
  • RGBA Colours support

Custom background:

Full support for the "banner image", just drag your image!

Font customization

Plan comes with several embedded WebFonts. Thanks to the “Plus Code” you can animate any text or icon. 5 safe-fonts also for the text content.

Animation kit

No stack plugin required. You can apply the animation in all pages. Thanks to the "Plus code" of the Awesome font (V4,5,6) you can animate icons, text and images! All examples in the demo project.

Demo Project:

This file empowers users to create their own pages quickly and easily leaving more time for layout and interface experimentation. Easy to use and customize. Is available also a further project with RWML stack (paid stack) for multilingual sites.

Price in Euro.


  • 1.3.7
  • March 5th 2024
