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With EcwidPro you can easily control the majority of aspects of your Ecwid store to fit the look and feel of your RW website. Set different local fonts to different elements of your Ecwid store. Control the color and size of different elements.

EcwidPro is the next generation of the Axyn Ecwid Stacks. It was developed from the ground up with a leaner and cleaner code, for faster page loads, easy of use, modular design and edit mode previews.

EcwidPro does not tie you down to a single project, template or framework. It integrates any of your Rapidweaver projects directly with any Ecwid account, all for the price of a single project! Use the tools that you already have and love working with.

EcwidPro is packed with new features! It allows you to customize Ecwid to fit your website design in ways which are not available anywhere else! Your can control the fonts, buttons, colors, headings, text… the look and feel of most of the Ecwid elements, and also what's displayed and what's not!. That includes elements in the Category, Product and Product Details pages, Search, Shopping Cart, "Buy Now" Products and much more.


  • 2.0
  • March 15th 2023
