Lemmy K
Project from WeaverPixel

Lemmy K is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks using the Foundry 3 framework
Are you ready to rock?
Lemmy K sure makes it easier than ever! It includes everything for a music band website. Promote your next gigs, your albums and the band members. The template is designed for the metal heads but can be easily redesigned for every other music genre.
- Homepage as a one page design including:
- Menu plus header
- The band and band members
- Timeplan for the next shows
- Spotify music player
- Albums on Vinyl and CDs with modal box for details
- Photo galery
- Booking the band for a gig
- Foundry 3 contact form
- 1 header/navbar design
- 1 footer design
- Fully responsive - works great on mobile devices
- No unnecesary external calls
- Thus fully GDPR & DSVGO compliant
**Pricing The price of the product is purely made on donation base. Please consider to do so if you like the product.